Saturday, January 10, 2009

My Mother Tagged Me.

Mark and X next to ones you have completed:

Swam in the ocean
Gone to Washington DC
Gone on a blind date X

Skipped school X (Yeah and my parents about killed me)

Watched someone die X
Been to Canada
Been to Mexico

Been to Florida X
Been to a foreign country
Been on a plane
Been lost X
Been on the opposite side of the country
Cried yourself to sleep X
Played cops and robbers X

Recently colored with crayons X

Sang Karaoke X
Paid for a meal with coins only X
Skipped out without paying for a meal
Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? X
Made prank phone calls X
Caught a snowflake on your tongue X

Watched the northern lights dance X
Danced in the rain X
Written a letter to Santa Claus X
Been kissed under the mistletoe X
Watched the sunrise with someone X
Watched the sunset with someone X
Blown bubbles X
Can hula hoop? I can for about 2 seconds lol

Gone ice-skating X

Been skinny dipping outdoors

Gone to the movie's ALONE X
Gone to a horror movie and laughed through it – Yes actually quite a few, they are just so predictable anymore

1. Any nicknames? Bear, Sara D., Skitlez, Red
2. Mother's name? Lesli
3. Favorite drink? Mountain Dew it's my biggest addiction
4. Body Piercing? Ears, and I used to have my tongue pierced
5. How much do you like your job? I am currently unemployed, but I did enjoy my job at walmart for the most part.

6. Dad's name? David
7. Favorite vacation? Hanging with my friends back on summer vacation days
8. Ever eaten cookies for dinner? Yes
9. Ever eaten mud? Yes – when I was just a wee one.

10. Ever been on TV? Not that I can recall

11. Ever steal any traffic signs? I personally have not but I know a few people who have.
12. Ever been in a car accident? Yes
14. Can you drive a standard car? Yes

15. Favorite pie? Pumpkin pie with lots of coolwhip

16. Favorite number? 16

17. Favorite movie? Currently a toss up between Twilight and The Dark Knight
18. Favorite dessert? Anything chocolaty

19. Book on CD or regular book? Regular Books
20. Favorite food? Anything Chocolate

21. Favorite day of the week? Friday

22. Favorite brand of body wash? Tahitian Renewal (Caress)

23. Favorite toothpaste? Crest white expressions cinammon

24. Favorite smells? The air during a summer shower
25. How do you relax? Listening to music, taking a bath, or reading a really good book.
26. How do you see yourself in 10 years? Hopefully married with a couple kids
27. Furthest you will send this message? I don't honestly know
28. Who will respond to this the fastest? I don't know on this one either
29. What is your favorite breed of dog? Siberian Husky

30. Like to celebrate by going out or staying in? Going out.

Hope you all enjoy reading this I tag. My dad, Chryslynn, KD, and Tim

Lot's of love to you all,
Sara D.

1 comment:

Lesli said...

I think I need to refresh your memory on a couple of things LOL - you have been on a plane, you have swam in the ocean and you have been to the other side of the country :) It's a good thing Mom's can remember everything :)

I hope your dreams come true Bear!