Sunday, February 15, 2009

I am such a loser!

So I have spent my entire day reading, what book you may ask? Well Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince, I just got to the part where Snape kills Dumbledore and no matter how many times I have read it...I cry, seriously I have totally come to expect Dumbledore to die and yet I cry? I have actually been an emotional basketcase lately, EVERYTHING seems to set me off, if I am not crying...I am angry with someone for something.
So to all you women who have had kids...does this part ever go away? I am already an emotional windstorm if you will with my Bipolar disorder, so all these other hormones are just driving me insane!
Another thing about being pregnant thats driving me nuts, is how exhausted I feel ALL THE TIME! I swear I could sleep all day and still be completly wiped out, I am getting kind of annoyed. I find myself napping now, I never used to nap, heck I never used to be able to sleep when it was daylight now I find myself crashing out on the couch at 12 noon with the curtains and blinds wide open!
I had my doctors appointment last week and it well, I am about 9 weeks along and due September 16th.
That's really all I have to report for now,
love you all,
Sara D.


Da Warboss said...

Thanks for ruining Harry Potter for me!!! Lol. Just kidding. Yay baby is ok!!!

Nan said...

Not just sleepy; your whole body is wiped out, exhausted, right? It does get better, usually. You're lucky if you don't feel like throwing up 98% of the time.

Kd Perkins said...

Pay attention to what you are eating. It will make a huge difference in your energy levels if most of what you eat is healthy whole foods--fruits veggies, whole wheat bread etc.