Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Being random

So I can't sleep, this is becoming quite a regular occurrence and frankly it's driving me nutso. I have always had a touch of insomnia since I can remember and before I got pregnant I took sleep aids so that I could drift off into a wonderful dreamless sleep, now not so much, even Tylenol pm doesn't really do anything but make me lethargic and grumpy lol.
Speaking of dreams, since I got pregnant my dreams have been so frickin weird, I mean we're talking dinosaurs and random adventures with the kids from Harry Potter and Twilight, like crazy weird. I wake up almost every morning thinking "what the heck was that?".
There is a lot going on in my life right now and I am really trying to asses the situation from all angles, I don't know what I want to do right now and it's driving me crazy, and on top of it all Eric is being completely useless right now, the boy is so freaking immature that I can't even stand it. I want to kill him some days, then there are the other days when he calls me up after he gets off work just to tell me he was thinking about me all day, talk about super confusion. I don't know what he want's and until he can figure it out I told him to back off. I care about him deeply and want us to work things out, but I think that he's more concerned with partying all night and sleeping all day. I wish he would wake up and realize that this situation is pretty serious and he's continuously breaking his one promise of making sure I didn't have to do this alone, because at every turn, that's exactly where I find myself...Alone.
Why can't young men understand that there are consequences to all actions, whether they be positive or negative, there are always going to be consequences. I am desperately trying to be patient with him but he's making it increasingly difficult, I understand that this situation is hard on him too, that it's not just hard on me, but he needs to realize how much harder it is to be a young woman in this situation, I mean for crying out loud I have a life growing inside me! How exciting and scary this is, it's really starting to hit me even more now then ever.
In other news, I reapplied at wal-mart and I am hoping to get a call within the week so wish me luck. I am kind of excited to go back, it's my second family out there and I know that they will all work with me so well through all of this.
Anyways that is my rant for the day. Love you all post more soon.
Sara D.


The Lauritzen Family said...

boys will be boy, untill they are men... then thay are just BIG boys. LOL

Nan said...

Thanks for the nice comments on my blog. I couldn't sleep last night either. The wind was blowing like crazy. And Britt was working at his office until really late. I am sorry Eric is giving you grief. Take care of you, and the rest will work out.

Lesli said...

You need to remember you are never ALONE - your family will always be here to love you and see you through!