Saturday, February 7, 2009

Girls Day Out!!!

So I was sitting at home being bored yesterday morning and my friend Cassandra (whom I haven't seen in months) called me and asked if I wanted to go shopping with her tomorrow (which is actually today now), see Cass lives up in Bozeman so we really don't get to see eachother often and I of course said yes, and we invited our other friend Kellie to come out too, cause all three of us haven't seen eachother in ages! So I am waiting for Cassandra to come get me and we are guna go get Kellie then have lunch, then we are going to spend the whole day SHOPPING!!!!!!! Then tonight Kellie and her husband and Cassandra and her husband, and I are going out (I'm so used to being the 5th wheel with these guys that it's normal now, it's not like I get ignored or anything). For about 2 or 3 years the three of us gurls were inseperable until Cass moved away :( but now we get together whenever we can even if it's only once in awhile (wow I am having typing issues today lol).
In other news Eric and I had a long talk the other day about how I was feeling and he told me he would work on those things that were bothering me, and I will try to work on controlling my psycho hormones lol. I am so glad that he is as mature as he is, it really makes things easy on me going through this.
Well thats all I have to report for now my drs appointment is in 3 days!!!!!
Love you all,
Sara D.

1 comment:

Nan said...

It's great that you were able to spend some time with your friends. And it is good that you and Eric are learning to communicate well. That is a HUGE deal. Love you.