Friday, February 20, 2009

Drifting Apart..

So over the course of the last few weeks, I have realized some of the people I had been calling "friends" haven't really been there for me through this one of the most difficult periods of time in my life. I texted one so called "friend" that I haven't heard from in about 2 or 3 weeks, today and I asked her "why haven't you been calling or texting me lately, are you mad at me?" and the response I got was this "No just been busy" and that was it. No sorry how have you been nothing. I know this may sound like I am being petty but this is a girl who a month and a half ago was calling and texting me like a million times a day so this is pretty weird. I inquired around to some of our mutual friends, and was told that she has been very social with them, going to the bar, going to their houses, going to the movies, whatever, but she has been "too busy with school and stuff" to hang out with me or even have a simple conversation with me? I was also told that she thinks that since I found out that I am pregnant that I have been and I quote "More annoying and irritating then ever before", I heard that and I broke down and started bawling my eyes out, this is a girl I have known since I was 18, so that really hurt. What did I do to deserve that? Then to top it all off, I had the scariest dream ever last night and woke up in tears, I really don't want to go into details about it let's just say it had something to do with me losing my baby, it terrified me. So anyways I guess I just needed to rant for a bit, thanks for listening.
Sara D.


Nan said...

Hey, it was good to talk to you earlier. Good luck with the friends issues. I guess sometimes we need experiences like this to learn who are friends truly are.

The Lauritzen Family said...
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Aaron & Samantha said...

Hey Hun, I guess my comment did not go through yesterday. I wanted you to check out my blog. It is We set it up for the adoption. I also have a poem blog that is Let me know that you think. I can help you do some fun stuff to yours if you would like. I have been blogging for a while now and love to change things around.