Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Things are starting to sink in/Yearning to fufill my dreams

So about a week and a half ago I was in the ER because I was at work and started bleeding bright red, I was sooo scared, turns out I was just dehydrated so they gave me 3 bags of fluids and sent me on my way, well after doing a ton of blood work and an ultrasound.
The ultrasound said that I was roughly five weeks and three days along and my estimated due date is September 16th, so now that it has been awhile I am around about 7 weeks along and things are really starting to sink in, I am now more aware of what I eat, what kinda of headache medications I am taking, everything like that.
The other night I had a totally hormonal moment when I was hanging out with Eric, I started bawling my eyes out and he just put his arms around me and held me close so I could cry on his shoulder, he's so wonderful, and I am soooo grateful for him.
So pretty much everyone at walmart knows that I am pregnant, there's this one guy who keeps asking one of my friends if Eric and I are still together because he wants to date me I guess, what do I say or do to that?
So I have been watching American Idol with my cousin lately and it makes me wonder...what if I tried out next year or something? For those of you who don't know, singing is my biggest passion in life, I would give anything to make a life out of music (without all the Britney Spears drama of course), and everyone who knows me really well knows (not to toot my own horn here or anything), that I am an amazing singer. I have actually been told at karaoke nights out with the girls, that I am the best Amy Lee impersonator they have ever heard. I absolutely love singing Evanescence music because her voice is so challenging to match and I think I do a pretty good job doing her justice. So I think that once my child is grown up a little bit if American Idol is still going strong...that I am going to have to try out. Who knows you just might know a future American Idol (or at least an American Idol contestant lol). I really do think that I have a chance to at least make it to Hollywood if not to the top twelve and maybe even number 1, so there is a glimpse of what my future goals and dreams entail, wish me luck as I prepare myself for that endeavor.
Well folks that's all I got,
Lot's of love to you,
Sara D.
Aka...mommy to be

1 comment:

Nan said...

So, I noticed you had posted this morning, and I thought I would leave you a comment, but then my day got crazy busy. And I see you have already left me a comment. American Idol, hmmm? I don't think you had written that part this morning when I glanced at my BlackBerry. It is good to have a goal, but those judges are harsh, even to the people who are really good. I know you can do anything if you believe in yourself, though. So keep those dreams alive!