Friday, March 6, 2009


Broken can mean so many things,
maybe just a little damaged,
maybe it means beyond repair.
When thinking in terms of people,
it can mean hurt, destroyed, shattered,
feeling so low no one can possibly bring you back up.
Broken is what I feel,
lost and hurt,
confused and angry.
What do we do with a broken heart?
Do we cast it aside?
Do we force ourselves to heal and just ignore the pain?
Or do we wait it out and hope for the best?
What's the remedy for a person who feels broken?
Do we leave them to their own devices and pretend not to care?
Do we provide that shoulder to cry on, just listen and be there?
Or do we just ignore it and wait for them to come around on their own?
What are the right words to say when someone you love falls away?
Do you talk crap about the one who hurt you?
Do you cry endlessly through the nights?
Or do you grin and bear it like it doesn't matter?
What is broken?
I am.
Sara D.

Now I know that this poem really doesn't rhyme or make much sense at all I was just laying in bed thinking and felt the need to come to the computer and write and this is what came out of it. I have never been one for forcing creativity, I believe that if you are going to be creative that a poet can't force rhyme, or a painter can't always make a perfect picture, or a guitarist write the perfect song, it's all about what's inside you and letting it out in a healthy productive way, so there is my random jolt of creativity for now. Love you all.
Sara D.

1 comment:

Worthy Glover Sr. or Gail Glover said...

By the way, Sara, the vehicle David Letterman was driving had Montana plates on it, since he owns property at Big Sky. So don't give up hope; you might see him yet!