Friday, December 5, 2008

I suck at keeping this thing updated

So here's whats new with me. I am still working at walmart but they have been training me out in automotive so I am thinking that after the holidays that I might move departments because I have alot of fun out there. I am also seeing someone new, we have been hanging out for the last month almost every nite and we are getting along great. He's really sweet and he is always telling me I am beautiful. His name is Eric he is 22 and we have alot in common. He makes me laugh and I'm really happy with a guy for the first time since Bobby and I broke up last march or may whatever it was I don't really care anymore.
Eric and I met at work about three or four months ago and we started talking on occasion when we'd see eachother and slowly the conversations started getting longer and longer until one day I decided to give him my phone number and when I didn't hear from him after a week I figured thats that.
Well one night I was with my friend Jessica getting ready for the buckcherry concert and out of the blue he texted me and asked if I wanted to hang out after the show. So we met up and went to the Circle Inn to do some karoke and Jessica wanted to go home so she took Eric back to his car and he asked if I still wanted to hang out...and I did so we drove around for awhile and when he took me back home......he kissed me!
Now he stops by every night after he gets off work even if it's just to give me a good night kiss.
Every day before he clocks in at 4 he finds what register I'm on so he can say hi and give me a hug and then I go to the backroom to say goodbye to him before I go home.
In other news I got into my first snow realted car wreck on tuesday when I was coming home from Laurel the interstate was really icy and I went into the median but the only thing that happened was that I ripped the tire off the rim and it just needs popped back on and pilled and balanced. Other that that I have no news. I will really try to keep this thing updated more often I love you all.
Sara D.

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